c a l c u l u s t h r e e
c o l l e g e o f t h e
a t l a n t i c
w i n t e r 2 0 0 8
H o m e w o r k S o l u t i o n s
Here are some guidelines and other thoughts on homework solutions.
- Problem write-ups are your permanent record of your
understanding of the material covered. This is especially true in a
course such as this that has no exams. Thus, you'll want to make
your solutions complete enough so that you can understand them a month
or a few years after you wrote them.
- Solutions should be clearly and logically presented. This means
- Your method should always be clear. It should be easy to figure
out what you're doing and why.
- Use a lot of space. I recommend skipping some lines if you use
lined paper.
- Equations should usually be accompanied by prose. Before plunging
into algebra, state what it is you're solving for. If there are any
non-obvious steps in a calculation, explain them.
- Write equations in a logical order.
- You should aim to develop some sort of semi-structured style for
solving problems. Different people have different styles. But good,
experienced problem-solvers all have some sort of system that they
- Solutions should stand on their own; they should be understandable
to someone who hasn't read the problem. This means that you should
paraphrase the question before writing your response.
- I will not give numerical grades on HW assignments. Instead, I
will give a letter grade and try to include as many comments as I
can. (If you don't want a letter grade on your homework, that's fine.
Please make a note to this effect on the top of your assignment.) I'm
mainly interested in seeing that you thoughtfully attacked
the problem and wrote it up in a clear and coherent way.
- Finally, a few minor requests:
- On the top of the homework, please write the assignment number.
- If you don't have a stapler, that's ok. But please don't mangle
and fold over the corner in an attempt to get the pages to stick
together. Just write your name or initials on all pages and I'll
gladly staple them together.
- Please don't hand in the assignment in installments; hand in the
problem set all at once if at all possible.
- Please don't hand in problems on paper that has been torn out of a
spiral notebook.