Introduction to Chaos and Fractals

Homework 7

Due Thursday 4 May, 2006

Please do this problem before class on Thursday. You'll need a program that can make a bifurcation and let you zoom in and out. A good program is at

Try to make sure that your measurements are accurate to at least several decimal places. To do so, you'll need to zoom in quite a bit. As you do so, you'll likely need to increase the number of iterates the program plots. This can be done by increasing the numbers in the boxes on the left. The first box, labled "iterations", changes the total number of iterations the computer calcualtes. The second box, labeled "First show", increases the number of iterates that are discarded before they're plotted on the bifurcation diagram.

If you encounter any difficulties or challenges in determining your r values, briefly discuss in your write-up.

Feel free to work in pairs and hand in just one write-up if you wish.

Chapter 11
  1. 3

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