eipd - simulate the ecological iterated Prisoner's Dilemma
eipd -help
eipd [-steps integer] [-rounds integer] [-seed integer]
[-CC double] [-CD double] [-DC double] [-DD double]
[-Iallc double] [-Itft double] [-Irand double]
[-Ipav double] [-Ialld double] [-rcp double]
[-noise double]
The ecological iterated Prisoner's Dilemma is simulated
over time according to the specified parameters. At every
time step the population of each strategy is calculated as
a function of the expected scores earned against all
strategies weighted by the populations of the opponents.
Possible strategies include 'Always Cooperate,' 'Always
-steps integer
Number of steps to simulate.
-rounds integer
Number of rounds per step.
-seed integer
Random seed for initial state.
-CC double
Reward Payoff.
-CD double
Sucker Payoff.
-DC double
Temptation Payoff.
-DD double
Punish Payoff.
-Iallc double
Initial population of All-C.
-Itft double
Initial population of TFT.
-Irand double
Initial population of Random.
-Ipav double
Initial population of Pavlov.
-Ialld double
Initial population of All-D.
-rcp double
Probability of C for Random strategy.
-noise double
Probability of noise.
The payoff matrix for the Prisoner's Dilemma game is usu-
ally expressed as:
Player B's Move
Player A's Move | cooperate | defect |
| cooperate | CC, CC | CD, DC |
| defect | DC, CD | DD, DD |
where the table entries are (A's payoff, B's payoff) and
CC, CD, DC, and DD are the reward, sucker, temptation, and
punish payoffs, respectively. For each of these four out-
comes you will probably want the payoffs to reflect the
(DC > CC > DD > CD) and ((CD + DC) / 2 < CC).
random noise (via the -noise option) manifests itself as a
cell making a randomly selected move in a single round.
In this case, both the cell whose action was altered as
well as that cell's opponents "remember" what the random
move was on the next round.
During each time step, every strategy plays against every
other strategy as well as against itself.
The initial population levels for all strategies will be
normalized, so the scaling of the option values is irrele-
No sanity checks are performed to make sure that any of
the options make sense.
Copyright (c) 1997, Gary William Flake.
Permission granted for any use according to the standard
GNU ``copyleft'' agreement provided that the author's com-
ments are neither modified nor removed. No warranty is
given or implied.
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