Final Projects

  1. Your final project should be a program exploring some topic of interest to you.
  2. It does not need to be a huge or complicated program.
  3. I recommend choosing something that can be imprelemed incrementally, so that you can get a working program up and running soon, and then gradually add more reatures.

Here are some possible project topics. This list is by no means exhaustive.

  1. Write a program that lets users explore Julia sets and/or the Mandelbrot set. There are lots of other fractals one could draw.
  2. Write a program that draws bifurcation diagrams for iterated functions. There are other options for exploring chaos.
  3. Use pygame to write a simple video game. I have no idea how difficult this would be.
  4. Write a simple text-based adventure game.
  5. Write a simple agent-based model.
  6. Write a program that plays the prisoners dilemma or other game theoretic games.
  7. Write a program that encrypts a message using a more advanced encryption scheme than the one we've used so far.