Preparation for Discussions on Has Feminism
Changed Science? by Londa Schiebinger
Wednesday, 24 April:
All should read the introduction, and up to and including Chapter 5.
In your groups, prepare to lead a short discussion on the chapters
assigned to you. To do so, you should
- Prepare a written summary of the chapter. An outline or a few
sentences per section is fine.
- Compile a list of questions you'd like to ask the scientists
who'll be coming to our panel week 6.
- Identify two or three key issues or open questions around which
you'll lead the class in discussion.
Breakdown of chapter assignments:
- Intro, Chapter 5
- Chapter 1, Chapter 3
- Chapter 2
Suzanne and I will prepare stuff for Chapter 4.
Friday, 26 April:
Everyone should read the conclusion. Depending on which group you're
assigned, you should read the appropriate chapter, and prepare for
discussion as you did for Wednesday.
- Chapter 6: Medicine
- Chapter 9: Physics and Math
- Chapter 7+8: Primatology, Archaeology, and Human Origins, and
We'd be happy to meet with any of the groups and help summarize and
prepare for discussion.
[ Dave ]
[ Gender and Science ]
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