Courses from Previous Terms
This is a chronological list of every course and tutorial I have
offered at the College of the Atlantic. At the bottom of this page,
courses are listed alphabetically.
I was a U.S. Fulbright Lecturer to Rwanda and on leave from COA for
winter and spring terms of 2011-12. During this time I was a visiting
professor of Applied Physics at the Kigali Institute of Science and
Technology. At Kigali I taught:
- General Physics
- Computational Physics
- Statistical Physics
- Atomic and Molecular Physics
- Mathematical Physics II
Alphabetical List
- Applied and Mathematical
Statistics (Winter 2008)
- Calculus I (Fall 2022)
- Calculus I (Winter 2021)
- Calculus I (Fall 2018)
- Calculus I (Fall 2016)
- Calculus I (Fall 2014)
- Calculus I (Fall 2012)
- Calculus I (Fall 2010)
- Calculus I (Fall 2008)
- Calculus I (Fall 2006)
- Calculus I (Winter 2005)
- Calculus I (Winter 2003)
- Calculus I (Fall 2000)
- Calculus I (Winter 1999)
- Calculus II (Winter 2025)
- Calculus II (Winter 2023)
- Calculus II (Spring 2021)
- Calculus II (Winter 2019)
- Calculus II (Winter 2017)
- Calculus II (Spring 2015)
- Calculus II (Winter 2013)
- Calculus II (Winter 2011)
- Calculus II (Winter 2009)
- Calculus II (Spring 2007)
- Calculus II (Spring 2003)
- Calculus II (Winter 2001)
- Calculus II (Spring 1999)
- Calculus III (Winter 2022)
- Calculus III (Fall 2017)
- Calculus III (Winter 2016)
- Calculus III (Spring 2013)
- Calculus III (Fall 2009)
- Calculus III (Winter 2008)
- Calculus III (Fall 2005)
- Calculus III (Fall 2003)
- Calculus III (Winter 2002)
- Calculus III (Winter 2001)
- Calculus IV (Spring 2006)
- Chaos and Complex
Systems (Fall 2006)
- Chaos and Complex
Systems (Fall 2004)
- Chaos and Complex
Systems (Fall 2001)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Fall 2023)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2022)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2020)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2018)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2017)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2016)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Fall 2013)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Fall 2012)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Fall 2011)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2010)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2009)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2008)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Spring 2006)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Spring 2005)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Spring 2004)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2002)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2001)
- Introduction to Chaos and
Fractals (Winter 2000)
- Chaotic Dynamical Systems
(Fall 1999)
- Complex
Networks (Tutorial, Fall 2011)
- Complex Networks (Fall 2008)
- Computer Science (Winter 2011)
- Introduction to Computer
Science (Winter 2007)
- Differential Equations (Winter 2020)
- Differential Equations (Fall 2016)
- Differential Equations (Fall 2014)
- Differential Equations (Spring 2008)
- Tutorial: Dynamical
Systems (Winter 2013)
- Introduction
to Epidemiological Modeling (Spring 2023)
- Fractals and Scaling (Fall 2015)
- Gender and Science (Spring
2002 )
Internet, The (Spring 2000)
- Human Ecology Core Course
(Fall 2007)
- Human Ecology Core Course
(Fall 2004)
- Human Ecology Core Course
(Fall 2003)
- Language, Power, and Computation (Winter 2023)
- Linear Algebra
(Spring 2024)
- Linear Algebra with
Differential Equations (Winter 2019)
- Linear Algebra
(Tutorial, Winter 2017)
- Linear Algebra (Fall
- Linear Algebra (Fall
- Linear Algebra
(Tutorial, Fall 2007)
- Linear Algebra
(Tutorial, Spring 2003)
- Making the Bomb (Spring 2003)
- Making
the Bomb (Fall 2000)
- Making the
Bomb (Spring 1999)
- Ordinary
Differential Equations (Winter 2004)
- Ordinary
Differential Equations (Spring 2001)
- Physics I (Fall 2021)
- Physics I (Fall 2019)
- Physics I (Spring 2018)
- Physics I (Fall 2011)
- Physics I (Fall 2009)
- Physics I (Fall 2007)
- Physics I (Fall 2005)
- Physics I (Winter 2004)
- Physics I (Fall 2001)
- Physics I (Fall 1999)
- Physics I (Fall 1998)
- Physics II (Spring 2024)
- Physics II (Spring 2022)
- Physics II (Spring 2020)
- Physics II (Winter 2002)
- Physics II (Winter 2000)
- Physics II (Winter 1999)
- Physics III (Spring 2010)
- Physics III (Spring 2007)
- Physics III (Winter 2003)
- Physics and Mathematics of
Sustainable Energy (Fall 2024)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Fall 2023)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Fall 2022)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Fall 2021)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Winter 2021)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Fall 2019)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Fall 2018)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Fall 2017)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Spring 2016)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Spring 2015)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Spring 2014)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Spring 2013)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Spring 2011)
- Physics and Mathematics of Sustainable
Energy (Spring 2010)
- Programming in c++, Introduction to
(Tutorial, Fall 2001)
- Programming
in C++, Introduction to (Tutorial, Fall 2000)
- Proofs and Mathematical
Structures (Spring 2023)
- Tutorial: Proofs and Mathematical
Structures (Spring 2015)
- Quantum
Mechanics (Tutorial, Spring 2000)
- Introduction to Quantum
Mechanics (Spring 2014)
- Real Analysis (Tutorial,
Winter 2005)
- Research Projects
(Tutorial, Spring 2001)
- Scientific Computing
(Winter 2018)
- Scientific
Programming in c++ (Tutorial, Spring 1999)
- Thermodynamics (Winter 2025)
- Thermodynamics (Spring 2021)
- Thermodynamics (Spring 2016)
- Thermodynamics (Fall 2013)
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